Saint Joseph Abbey’s Statement on Sexual Abuse
Saint Joseph Abbey adheres to State and Federal statutes related to the protection of minors. It is the policy of the Abbey to report any allegation of sexual abuse of minors to local law enforcement and to cooperate fully in any follow-up investigation. Furthermore, the Abbey adheres to the 2002 United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ “Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People,” a comprehensive act of procedures for addressing allegations of abuse of minors as well as best practices for reconciliation, healing, accountability, and prevention of future acts of abuse. Saint Joseph Abbey provides support for victims to receive professional counseling in the healing process.
To reinforce our commitment with the protection of minors, Saint Joseph Abbey is currently undergoing the comprehensive process to become accredited by Praesidium. Praesidium is a nationally recognized, independent organization that specializes in the protection of children, youth and vulnerable adults. Praesidium’s services are also provided to the Boys and Girls Clubs of America, the YMCA, and other prominent institutions. The process for accreditation with Praesidium is rigorous and confirms that the Institute has been reviewed by an independent team of specialists from Praesidium and meets or exceed all Standards for Accreditation, which represent the highest standards in abuse prevention and child protection.
Saint Joseph Abbey is committed to healing for anyone who has suffered abuse because of the actions of clerics and religious, and we take the report of any abuse seriously. We encourage anyone who has experienced sexual abuse by a member of Saint Joseph Abbey to contact Carla Graves, Victim’s Assistance Coordinator, at 985-867-2286 and to report the abuse to local law enforcement.
Click here to read Saint Joseph Abbey’s 2018 Statement and Report on Clergy Abuse.