Leave A Legacy
For more than 130 years, the Benedictine monks of Saint Joseph Abbey and Seminary College have been educating and forming young men as candidates for the Roman Catholic priesthood. That has been our primary mission and our lasting legacy.
Your planned gift will help ensure future priests will be educated and formed at Saint Joseph Abbey and Seminary College. Following the Benedictine tradition of balancing prayer and work, the monks have instilled in the young seminarians a prayerful spirit, a love for the liturgy, a thirst for knowledge and a respect for manual labor. As a result, the influence of the monks has been felt over the last century throughout the Church in the Gulf South region with nearly 1,000 priests having been ordained after seminary training at the Abbey.
Planned Giving ensures the work and mission of Saint Joseph Abbey and Seminary C ollege will be faithfully advanced for generations to come through legacy gifts from your estate. All assets, including cash, securities, real estate, and tangible personal property, may be transferred. There are a variety of ways to arrange a gift that will support the mission of Saint Joseph Abbey and Seminary College. Below are some common planned giving methods.
We encourage you to seek professional legal, estate planning, and financial advice before finalizing a course of action.