The Saint Joseph Abbey Gift Shop is manned by dedicated volunteers and staff (not all are pictured), and they look forward to seeing you soon! Susan Vaught, bottom right, is the Gift Shop Manager.

Books, Gifts, Artisan Products And More
Available at the Abbey Gift Shop
The Saint Joseph Abbey Gift Shop carries a variety of products made by the monks and dedicated volunteers of the Abbey, including the popular MonkSoap, MonkSweets, Abbee Honey, and Abbey Lotion Bars. The shop also sells photographs taken by monk Fr. Augustine Foley, O.S.B., and reproductions of religious art by monk Br. Leo Franca, O.S.B.
There are more than 25 fragrances of MonkSoap available at various times of the year, Abbee Honey is harvested and bottled at the Abbey and available year round, and there are several MonkSweets products available at various times of the year.
In addition, the Saint Joseph Abbey Gift Shop offers a wide range of religious art and devotional objects and a large selection of St. Benedict medals. The shop also carries rosaries, a large variety of saint medals, statues, crucifixes and crosses as well as sacramental gifts for Baptism, First Communion, and Confirmation.
There is also a unique selection of icons from Greece and Russia (icons, lacquer boxes, Santas), various items from Brazil, Christmas ornaments from Uzbekistan, distinctive religious jewelry, and Trappist Preserves from Spencer Abbey.
The book selection runs the gamut from traditional Catholic prayers and devotionals, spiritual reading, theology and catechesis, lives of the saints, Catholic classics, Bibles and missals, children’s books, and a healthy selection of books on Benedictine spirituality.
Also available are booklets on the history of Saint Joseph Abbey and of the murals in the Abbey Church and Monks’ Refectory painted by Dom Gregory de Wit.
Come and visit, stay a little while, and enjoy a complimentary cup of Monk Coffee while seeing all that the Saint Joseph Abbey Gift shop has to offer.