Request Mass Intentions
Masses May Be Requested Via Online Form or by Mail
Requests for mass intentions are gladly accepted at Saint Joseph Abbey for living or deceased loved ones and friends. Masses may also be offered for prayerful remembrance of anniversaries, birthdays, and other special events.
All masses are assigned to the various priests (monks) of the monastery, who then put the intentions on their individual calendars to celebrate the Masses. Because of this, we are unable to give you an exact date the Masses you requested will be celebrated.
You may request a Mass with or without a notification card being mailed. Suggested donation amounts, set by the Archdiocese of New Orleans, are $5 without a notification card sent and $7 with a notification card sent.
Please note: We are not able to accept Gregorian Mass requests at this time.
You can request a Mass intention by mail or by clicking below and completing the online form. If you’d like to submit by mail, send your intention and offering check to the address below. If you’d like a notification card sent, please include the recipient’s contact information with your request.
Mail check and information to:
Saint Joseph Abbey
c/o Mass Intentions Office
75376 River Rd.
Saint Benedict, LA 70457
If you’d like to complete the request online, please click below.