Sponsorship of Library Exhibit Will Help Monks Travel Home

Did you know that some of the monks at Saint Joseph Abbey grew up in South Louisiana, but others have come to Saint Joseph Abbey from a large distance away? Br. Maximilian Kenny, O.S.B., himself from North Dakota, is spearheading the latest fundraiser for the monastic travel fund to help offset the rising cost of travel for the monks to return home to visit family and loved ones.

This 52" x 8" x 14" model of the HMS HOOD (1918-1941) was built by Br. Maximilian and has been on display in the seminary's Rouquette Library for several months. Now we'd like to make the display permanent, but it needs a sponsor!

Here's how you can help: Tickets are on sale for the chance to have your name, or the name of your designee, inscribed on a plaque that will be displayed in the library along with the model of the ship, which was a battlecruiser for the Royal Navy. The winning ticket will be drawn on Dec. 3. The winner will be contacted at that time and will also receive a special plaque to keep with a laser cut silhouette of the ship and ship's crest.

Tickets are $5 each and can be purchased at the Saint Joseph Abbey Gift Shop. If you live out of the area, you can call the Gift Shop at 985-867-2227 to purchase one or more tickets.


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