Fr. Matthew Clark Will Lead Seminary College
Fr. Matthew Clark, O.S.B.
The Saint Joseph Seminary College Board of Trustees has unanimously approved the nomination of Fr. Matthew Clark, O.S.B., as the President-Rector of the Seminary College effective immediately.
Fr. Matthew had led the Seminary College in an interim role following the election last summer of the Right Rev. Gregory Boquet, O.S.B., as abbot of Saint Joseph Abbey.
The Board of Trustees’ Executive Committee, comprised of Archbishop Gregory Aymond (New Orleans), Archbishop Thomas Rodi (Mobile), and Abbot Gregory Boquet, recommended Fr. Matthew’s appointment to the full board when it met Thursday afternoon on the Saint Joseph Seminary College campus.
Archbishop Aymond, chairman of the Board of Trustees, thanked Fr. Matthew for his long years of service to the seminary and said he appreciated his willingness to take on this new role. Abbot Gregory concurred, adding that he is excited about assigning Fr. Matthew to this very important ministry.
“Over the past year, Fr. Matthew has been a steady presence, which has been very comforting to the students and staff, as well as the various dioceses that we serve,” Abbot Gregory said.
Fr. Matthew said he's excited to have the chance to lead the seminary college.
"I've worked in the seminary all of my career as a monk and a priest," he said. "It's been my main ministry, and it's wonderful now to have the opportunity to advance the seminary, particularly at this transformational time for seminary formation in the U.S."
The propaedeutic stage, called for by the Catholic Bishops’ Program of Priestly Formation 6th edition, provides an intense year of human and spiritual formation. It was fully implemented at Saint Joseph Seminary College this year.
"This will be a significant guiding light for our next strategic plan, which I can now begin working on," he said.
Fr. Matthew graduated from Saint Joseph Seminary College in 1980 and received a Master of Theology degree from Notre Dame Seminary. He entered the noviate for Saint Joseph Abbey in 1982, made his solemn profession of vows on July 11, 1986, and was ordained a priest on May 2, 1987.