Fr. Matthew Clark Is Acting President-Rector
Fr. Matthew Clark
The Rev. Matthew Clark, O.S.B., has been named acting President-Rector of Saint Joseph Seminary College following the election of the Very Rev. Gregory Boquet, O.S.B., as abbot of Saint Joseph Abbey. Abbot Gregory, the longtime president-rector, recently announced the appointment on behalf of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees.
“I am humbled, and I am eager to build on the strong foundation built by Abbot Gregory as we move into this new era of seminary formation with the implementation of new guidelines by the Catholic bishops,” Fr. Matthew said.
The propaedeutic stage, called for by the Catholic bishops’ Program of Priestly Formation 6th edition, provides an intense year of human and spiritual formation. It is being fully implemented at Saint Joseph Seminary College this fall.
“Our 18 years of working together and President-Rector and Vice Rector have prepared me well for the challenges of seminary formation in an evolving society and world,” Fr. Matthew said. “And like Abbot Gregory, I am committed to fostering the Benedictine spirit of liturgical formation and community life that is the extent within which St. Ben’s has and continues to thrive.”
Fr. Matthew graduated from Saint Joseph Seminary College in 1980 and received a Master of Theology degree from Notre Dame Seminary. He entered the noviate for Saint Joseph Abbey in 1982, made his solemn profession of vows on July 11, 1986, and was ordained a priest on May 2, 1987.
He has served in numerous capacities in the Seminary College, including as vice rector and chairman of the formation council since 2006. He also serves as Director of Alumni Affairs, has taught theology, and was Dean of Students from 1991-98. At the Abbey, Fr. Matthew has served as Director of Music, Abbey organist, novice master, and subprior.
He has also been chaplain for Saint Paul’s High School in Covington since 1987.
Fr. Matthew is also a veteran, having served as Navy Reserve chaplain from 1999-2008, when he separated from the service at the rank of Lt. Commander. He was mobilized and deployed from April to October 2003 with the U.S. Marine Corp, 2nd FSSG, to Camp Fox, Kuwait, during Operation Iraqi Freedom. He received the Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal on Oct. 12, 2003.