Seminarian Concert to Benefit Basketball Team
Last year’s championship team.
Tickets Available Online, At Door
Saint Joseph Seminary College won the 21st annual Fr. Pat O’Malley Invitational basketball tournament in Mundelein, IL, last winter, and in a few months the Ravens will be back in Mundelein defending their title.
Before that, however, the team needs to raise enough money to pay for the trip to the Chicago-area tournament. Their seminarian brothers are helping out by hosting a fund-raising concert, and you are invited to attend!
This Night of Entertainment, dubbed “Harmonious Hoops,” will be held Saturday, Dec. 9, in Saint Joseph Abbey and Seminary College’s Benet Hall. Several seminarians will be showcasing their musical talents beginning at 7 p.m. A reception will be held prior to the concert at 6 p.m., and you can visit with seminarians and enjoy snacks and drinks.
Seminarians scheduled to perform include Ryan Pecoraro (Diocese of Fort Worth), Liam Farris (Diocese of Nashville), Ignacio Gamundi (Saint Joseph Abbey), Andrew Hertz (Diocese of Baton Rouge), Zachary Sullivan (Archdiocese of Atlanta), Caleb Butler (Archdiocese of New Orleans), Benjamin Mullen (Diocese of Biloxi), and Adolfo Sanchez (Diocese of Brownsville).
Tickets are $12 for persons 12 and older and $6 for children ages 6-11. Children 5 and under get in free. Tickets can be purchased online, and they will also be available at the door.
All money raised will go toward offsetting expenses for the basketball team.
The trip to Mundelein is for a basketball tournament, but it is also an opportunity for the seminarians to meet men from seminaries across the country. Last year seminarians attended Mass and prayed in community throughout the weekend and also visited the nearby Shrine of St. Maximilian Kolbe.