Br. Jerome Aubert Professes Final Vows

In the presence of Abbot Justin Brown, O.S.B., the monastic community, family and friends, Br. Jerome Aubert, O.S.B., professed solemn vows during Mass in the Abbey Church on July 11th, the feast of St. Benedict. To see more photos, visit here.

During a significant portion of the final vows ceremony, Br. Jerome remained prostrate under a funeral pall, which he likened to an experiential participation in the death and resurrection of Jesus.

“When the pall was lifted from me, and I could see the light around me and hear the choir singing ‘Awake and Live,’ I felt that I was participating in Jesus' victory over death. I understood then that all of the difficulties and trials I had endured had now led me to this moment in which God was affirming the promises he has made to bless those who love Him and to conquer suffering and death by love,” Br. Jerome said.

“I was overwhelmed with joy in that moment because I was able to experience in a very definitive way that God's love for me is stronger than any obstacle I may face.”

Much of Br. Jerome’s spiritual growth throughout his time at the Abbey has come from developing a reflective, contemplative attitude towards life in which he has learned to discover and experience God's presence in the ordinary aspects of everyday life.

“I have learned through my time at the Abbey that I do not have to go somewhere else or do something extraordinary to find God, because God is here with me wherever I am,” added Br. Jerome.

This fall, Br. Jerome will begin theology studies in preparation for the priesthood at Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology in Indiana, home to the same Benedictine monks who founded Saint Joseph Abbey in 1889.




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