If you would like to request a Mass intention, there are two ways of doing so.

  • You can mail your intention and check to the address below. If you would like a notice card sent to anyone, please include their contact information with your request.

    Mass Intentions Office
    c/o Saint Joseph Abbey
    75376 River Rd.
    Saint Benedict, LA 70457

  • You can click the button below to request a Mass intention online.

Suggested donations are:

  • Mass Request: $5 each

  • Mass Request with card sent to someone for notification of a Mass being offered at the Abbey: $7 each

PLEASE NOTE: At this time, we are unable to accept Gregorian Mass requests.

All masses are assigned to the various priests (Monks) of the monastery who then put them on their individual calendars to celebrate the Masses. Therefore we are unable to give you or accommodate an exact date as to when the Masses will be celebrated, other than that they are scheduled with an individual priest.